[2013-10-15] Sorted tag cloud for jekyll that support spaces

Tobias Sjösten wrote a nice article about how to create a tag cloud in jekyll without using any plugin. But one thing bothered me a little. The tags came in the order, how they where introdouced in the blog posts. I wanted them to be sorted alphabetically.

On stackoverflow was a solution to iterate over an hash ordered by its keys. I improved it a little, so we can use spaces and underscores and mixed them together.

Tobias iterated directly over the categories:

{{"{%"}} for category in site.categories %}
{{"{%"}} endfor %}

And he accessed the category name with category | first and the list of posts with category | last.

{{"{%"}} capture cat_list %}{{"{%"}} for cat in site.categories %}{{ cat | first }}{{"{%"}} if forloop.last != true%}|{{"{%"}} endif %}{{"{%"}} endfor %}{{"{%"}} endcapture %}
{{"{%"}} assign sorted_cats = cat_list | split:'|' |  sort %}

Now I can just iterate over the sorted list like that:

{{"{%"}} for catname in sorted_cats %}

To access the the posts from a category we can just do this: site.categories[catname].

Here is my final tag cloud:

<ul class="tagcloud">
  {{"{%"}} capture cat_list %}{{"{%"}} for cat in site.categories %}{{ cat | first }}{{"{%"}} if forloop.last != true%}|{{"{%"}} endif %}{{"{%"}} endfor %}{{"{%"}} endcapture %}
  {{"{%"}} assign sorted_cats = cat_list | split:'|' |  sort %}
  {{"{%"}} for catname in sorted_cats %}
    <li style="font-size: {{"{{"}} site.categories[catname] | size | times: 100 | divided_by: site.categories.size | plus: 70 }}%" class="tag">
      <a href="/posts-about/{{"{{"}} catname | slugize }}/">
        {{"{{"}} catname }}
  {{"{%"}} endfor %}

If you want to know how the tag cloud works, read the article from Tobias.